Thanksgiving came and went, and it wasn't too exciting out here on Kodak Road. I thought I'd make a note of a few things I'm thankful for today, though, and I'll post the December calendar of events on the Circuit soon.
Thursday, Brock and I went to the community Thanksgiving dinner at Pleasant Hill UMC, another small UMC in the neighborhood. The 10 or so church members that showed up for that meal were very gracious to us, and were eager to invite us back, though their pastor Amanda Bell Madson explained to them that I am also a pastor, so they realized I wouldn't be able to visit on a Sunday morning. Their hospitality, the good food, and the meals I know they provided for several members of their community with the leftovers were all things to be thankful for.
I had been looking forward to today's Hanging of the Greens services at French Broad and Bethel UMC for quite some time, but I've not been feeling well the last couple of days. When I arrived at French Broad, having missed the Sunday School hour, so as not to spread my germs too much, I was very kindly turned back in the direction of home (just down the hill), and told to go home and rest. The outpouring of care from members of both churches has been so kind, and I hope to be on top of my game again soon.
I am truly thankful for the ways I have seen the community of faith be Christ's hands and feet this past week, as I have been ministered to, even in moments when I thought I was supposed to be doing the ministering. As we begin Advent today, I am hopeful that I will return to health soon, and I know that I will continue to see Christ at work this season. Thanks be to God!